Dec. 21, 2022

Christine Wendell - Making Affordable Housing More Efficient & Accessible

Christine Wendell - Making Affordable Housing More Efficient & Accessible

What is the difference between a proptech company and a venture backable proptech company? How does mixed-income housing support diversity and improve the chance for income mobility? Why is housing NIMBYism so pronounced in San Francisco and how does this contribute to its rampant homeless issue? What is the definition of affordable housing and how prevalent is it in the US? Is creating affordable housing only a big city issue or do rural cities also struggle with this? Why are there so many misconceptions around the affordable housing opportunity? Are affordable housing and public housing the same thing? Why do affordable component lease-ups take so long to complete? Is there a lack of education about affordable housing in university and MBA real estate programs?

Christine Wendell - Co-founder and CEO of Pronto Housing, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and discuss how living in a diverse collection of cities across the US early in her career exposed her to various city zoning approaches which later informed her perspective on the positives and pitfalls of different affordable housing approaches. 

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