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Sept. 27, 2024

Bryce Wuori - Leading the Paving Revolution

Bryce Wuori - Leading the Paving Revolution

What was it like growing up as part of a multi-generational family construction business? How did being immersed in the family construction business provide unique benefits while working on Bryce's master degree in college? Why were the inefficiencies that Bryce observed in the asphalt industry such a professional draw for him? How do you change the image of the construction industry as being unsexy, consisting of long hours, and lots of callouses? Why has the adoption of technology accelerated in the last couple of years? How did Bryce become a simultaneous serial construction entrepreneur? Why did Bryce decide to exit his other businesses and focus on his software startup? What sort of compliance issues are part of infrastructure construction projects? How does weather impact infrastructure construction projects? What unique part of Pavewise's sales process has resulted in a 100% prospect conversion rate? Why have word-of-mouth referrals been such a strong source of sales leads for Pavewise? How has Pavewise integrated AI into its solution? 

Bryce Wuori - co-founder and CEO of Pavewise, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and discuss how participating in research projects across his 20-year career in asphalt has given him unique expertise, making him one of the few recognized asphalt scientists in the U.S.

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